The meals in Beyond are your meals. Knowing what to eat and when to eat can be the difference between success and failure. We should all eat healthy but sometimes we’re not sure how much to eat or what each meal should be made up of, especially when training.

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Food is the key

The meals in Beyond are your meals. Knowing what to eat and when to eat can be the difference between success and failure. We should all eat healthy but sometimes we’re not sure how much to eat or what each meal should be made up of, especially when training.

Using Beyond every recipe and meal you eat is calculated for your exact calories and op-timal macros. Learn to enjoy your food in the knowledge it is helping you get closer to your goals and leave the worry at the door.

Goal specific calories.

Your calories need to be correct for your goals. Whether you are looking to add muscle, drop fat or just get healthy, you have to be selecting the right calories for the job.

Within the good food fat loss guide I cover how you can calculate these calories to make sure your results are not left to chance.

Individualised macro breakdown

Different people have different demands for energy, calories and macro nutrients. I believe in personalising the macros of the foods to work in synergy with your body and your goals. Macros are what your food is made up of and are categorised as fats, proteins and carbs. Foods overlap these 3 categories, so creating the optimum menu is really a balancing act.

Enjoy your food

If you hate the food you are eating or are eating too little it will open, you up to cravings and make a healthy lifestyle much more challenging. I don’t believe in cutting all the foods you enjoy, I prefer to focus on working with your favourite foods with a healthy twist

Transform eBook
12 Week Body Transformation

How the nutrition works

No matter what level, you’ll get step by step nutrition planning to help you get RESULTS. No more yo-yo diets or confusion and no more restrictive fads. Including calorie calculators, macros breakdowns and calculated quick and easy recipe database access.

– Recipes
– Macros
– Calorie targets
– Calculated recipes

“The biggest surprise to me was how little I actually had to train and how good the food recipes were.”

“David, you’re literally THE BEST! Thank You so much for your EXPERT guidance through my plan!

“I used to see myself as overweight. 30. Depressed. Not happy with how I looked. I needed to do something. I now have to do a double take as I get used to my six-pack.”

Some of my film projects

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 Let’s see if we can work together for your best ever results.

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