The Real Hollywood Body System
Lose 5-10 Pounds Of Fat. Build Muscle.
All In The Next 28 Days – Guaranteed.
- Hollywood Training. Get the exact workouts & nutrition plans I use to train Hollywood superheroes, like Hugh Jackman for Wolverine.
- Male Hormones. Restore natural hormones that improve fitness results. Reduce belly fat. Increase energy.
- Guaranteed Results. Proven workouts developed for actors getting fit under strict deadlines.

I build Hollywood’s best bodies

What do the stars of ‘The Wolverine’ ‘Assassins Creed’ ‘Avengers’’ and ‘X-Men’ have in common? I trained them.
That’s right. I’m the guy who gets film stars’ in Superhero Shape!
The reason why they hire me?
My systems always work and they work to the tightest deadlines. I’ve now put these concepts in one place for all to follow.
Why Do Success Driven Guys Forever Struggle To Get In Shape?
Most people rely on willpower alone to stick to their diet and drag themselves to the gym.They’ve been told “go hard or go home”.
They all want to get a ripped physique & youthful drive but struggle to be consistent at the gym.
Even when they are WORKING THEIR ASS OFF and their body seems unresponsive.
Coaches and the media push EVEN MORE hard training and fad diets their way.
Keto diets. Hard Cardio. Calorie tracking. HIIT sessions. Heavy weight training.
But all those diets and programs alone never worked.
They just make the process unbearable and unsustainable…. and overtime they lose their drive and their discipline.
Sounds familiar?
I hate to admit this but most coaches lack the right scientific approach beyond counting calories, tracking macros or doing insane amounts of cardio.
The real reason guys struggle to get in shape is because their Male Hormones are crushed and their neurotransmitters are completely drained.
And most diet & training plans actually will make this worse!
Your male hormones control and influence you in every way. What you look like, how you think, how you feel, your addictions and habits,
And your neurotransmitters are the mechanism for a burning motivation, infinite energy and positivity!
They are the key to your consistency. To your results. Hit this switch and it’s actually hard to not get results. Even if your training and nutrition aren’t perfect.
Don’t Settle For This Future
A lot of guys come to us after ignoring the symptoms for years. Here is what we have been told.
Low mood from underperforming neurotransmitters – Women and men don’t want to be around them.
Low Motivation – A drop of success in all areas, more lethargy and procrastination – Making them low in status and confidence
Out of shape body – Not the catch they once were or what they want, plus not the example they want to set for their kids
Low Testosterone & Serotonin – Low sex drive and sexual performance, lower satisfaction and enjoyment.
And all of these can actually be accelerated with common diets and training plans…
Fuck The Old Way
You can get exactly what you want, erase the spare tyre, build your body up and get more energy.
So you get the respect you deserve and can feel proud and confident. Not to mention the dropped jaws at the beach, looks at the gym and smiles when you bring the thunder down under.
“He is the best trainer I have ever worked with, you are in safe hands”

Meet Tony
12 weeks | 3 weights sessions per week | Limited equipment
“Hi David, I’ve just finished my last of the gym workouts for week 12. Final weigh in was 83.6 kg. From memory I’ve lost 9 kg which I’m pretty happy with considering I had a solid three weeks of being on holidays on the booze etc.
I’d like to thank you for your program, one of my mates from Melbourne has just joined.
Honestly I didn’t think I’d get the results because even though I wanted the results I didn’t think with my lifestyle that I’d be able to.
Thanks again, I really didn’t think you’d be able to get this result out of a soon to be 46 year old carcass! Cheers Tony”
Real dads. Real dudes. Unreal Results.
Be in the best physical & mental shape of your life for the best years of your life.
Don’t waste another year on a fad diet or ineffective training program. Transform yourself using “hormones first” fix & same techniques used by Hollywood celebrities preparing for a roles

Boost physical & sexual energy, Drop fat and build muscle with my ultimate training and nutrition bundle.
SuperCharged is a counterintuitive step by step solution to age related hormonal and physical decline. It focuses on hormones, lifestyle, training and nutrition. Created to help men get in the best physical & mental shape of their lives for the best years of their lives.
Hormonal and lifestyle review
Training strategy for physical and hormonal optimisation
Nutritional protocols for body composition success and sustainability
Proven testosterone boosting systems for optimised energy, recovery and sex drive
Step by step neurotransmitter optimisation for enhanced energy, motivation and sexual performance
Coaching group for accountability and motivation.
Progressive training concepts. Easy to follow, concise training that will see you progressing every week . Learn exactly how to train to optimise muscle gain, fat loss and hormone function.
Calculated meals, macros planning and your own recipe database.
Knowing what to eat, how much to eat and when to eat is the difference between success and failure. Don’t leave your progress to chance this year
As part of this offer you will join our amazing facebook support group. When shifting from your normal routine you need to make you have everything right and all the tools you need to be successful. It will allow you to start the program with focus, confidence and clear goals.
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