Want to rapidly drop belly fat, build muscle and unlock lifelong motivation in 28 Days?
Join us today and step into a strong, lean and fit body that gives you the confidence money can’t buy.

I am best known for my work as a personal trainer to the film industry where I have trained 50+ actors on dozens of films. Clients have included, Hugh Jackman, Ryan Reynolds, Jake Glyenhall, Chris Hemsworth, Michael Fasbender, Eva Green and Jessica Chastain.
Why do most successful guys struggle to get into the shape they want? The Hollywood body look with lean abs and visible muscles…
Even when they feel like they’ve tried it all.. Every training split, hard cardio and restrictive diets.
The truth is most of the tactics guys use don’t work because they miss the crucial details of what actually matters for progress.
Most people think you have to give up your social life, need hours a day to train, can’t have drinks with your friends and meals with your family. This simply is not true! It’s actually insane.
What if I told you that you don’t have to sacrifice your social life, give up occasional indulgences like alcohol, or miss out on quality time with your family in order to achieve your goals?
Life is better when your in superhero shape
Motivation Matrix
Optimize neurotransmitters for unwavering motivation & drive
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Testosterone Optimization
Boost testosterone & optimize hormones to unlock your best ever body, boost sex drive and performance
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Rapid and sustainable fat loss
The simplest and most effective nutrition protocols to secure long term progress
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Explosive muscle growth
Advanced training techniques that are easy to follow
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Magnetic Confidence
These four pillars of the plan will give you pride in your body and the magnetic confidence that will see you benefit in every walk of life, whether it be dating or in the boardroom.
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Food system

Most guys …
Go too hard with their training, burn out, get injured or unmotivated before results start to flow.
Crush their testosterone and sex drive with crash diets, brutal cardio and poor lifestyle habits.
Follow influencer plans that pushed by “enhanced” guys that could get results with any old program.
Let Me Introduce The AMOA 28 Day Challenge
Over the next 28 day we will work with you to unlock your progress with a systemised step by step process that will make sure you can live the best years of your life in the best physical and mental shape of your life.

Results you deserve


Training plans
Daily training plans to follow delivered in our training app

Nutrition Coaching
Our own in app tracking system for making nutrition easy and results driven

Hormone and neurotransmitter optimisation
A step by step system for prepping your body and mind for explosive results

Support & Accountability
In app coaching and support so you are never on your own on this journey
Only $67 for 28 days
Join today to get started and join our next intake. Imagine the benefits of looking amazing, feeling more confident, and being truly proud of your body.
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